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A appy ending - 2005-03-18
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books I couldn't put down
amazonia by james rollins
acorna by anne mccaffrey and margaret ball
acorna's quest by anne mccaffrey and margaret ball
acorna's people by anne mccaffrey and elizabeth ann scarborough
the lonesome gods by louis l'amour

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Carpets should be banned
written @ 9:57 a.m. on 2005-01-21

Do you know what lives under your carpets?

No, really have you ever thought about it. I never had until we got Smudge and she had her first accident on the carpet. The thought of the pee that inevitably is left in the padding made me sick. Then I thought about all the times that Bug has spilt milk, and well...yuck.

So anyways we have been meaning to pull up the carpet in the livingroom and hallways forever, but never seemed to have the time until this week. The baby could come at anytime now, so it really needed to get done.
So far all that we did is the livingroom, but now that I know what grows under old carpets, the rest will be done soon.
There was mold in the corner where we keep the computer and under the front window. There were many questionable stains.....ewwwww. There were so many nails and staples it was ridiculous.
So after all the garbage was removed we sealed the floor so that we are not breathing the icky stuff and then painted it. I know its a quick fix but the people we want to do our floors are booked until summer, so this will have to do.

We also painted the livingroom and did some other small projects. Peter went back to work today for the first day in a week, but I think I am going to start the kitchen anyways. I might not get any of the painting done, but I can get everything washed and ready. And then if I am feeling really ambitious I will start on the hallway carpets.

Sydney brought home her first official math test and got 100%. Looks like she is taking after her mom, because her spelling isn't always the best, but math is great.

Baby news...the baby is great, couldn't be happier or healthier.

Me news...the exact opposite of the baby.
I was putting off going to see the diabetes specialist until I saw on the news a couple of days ago the largest baby born in North America. It weighed 16 pounds. So I called and am going to diabetes school on Wednesday in the city. It is a 2 hour course with a nurse and a dietician. My doctor says the reason I am loosing weight is probably because of the diabetes, but he said that the baby could end up being huge if I am not careful. I am now 3 pounds less then I was before getting pregnate. The baby weighs about 5 pounds, so at the very least I have lost over 10 pounds.
The newest problem, in addition to all the others is that I am have muscle spasims in my legs. I have never felt anything more painful in my life. I don't know how those people that live with them for years handle it.

So things are going to busy around her for awhile.
Today-house renos.
Sat-house renos and bug time.
Sun- more of the same, plus laundry for the next week(but Peter will be home to help).
Mon-back to school, house renos and pocker night with the gang.
Tue-Sarah and Smudges vets app. in Barrhead. Smudge is getting fixed and Sarah is having her shots.
Wed-day in the city..yuck..plus diabetes clinic.
Either Thur or Fri-meeting with the doctor who will be doing my c-section if the problems keep up in Whitecourt. I don't want another c-section, but my dr's say that being pregnate is becoming too dangerous for me and I may not have a choice.

Oh, one more thing...baby names.
Peter is in love with Cadence for a girl and Xavier for a boy.
I like Chloe for a girl and Xander for a boy.
I don't really like Cadence because I don't want my child being called candy for short, it just rubs me the wrong way. No matter what the middle name of the baby will be Asa, after my grandpa.
