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i am retiring this blog - 2005-06-04
- - 2005-05-12
Home again - 2005-04-01
A appy ending - 2005-03-18
I am tired of tired - 2005-03-01

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books I couldn't put down
amazonia by james rollins
acorna by anne mccaffrey and margaret ball
acorna's quest by anne mccaffrey and margaret ball
acorna's people by anne mccaffrey and elizabeth ann scarborough
the lonesome gods by louis l'amour

free hit counter
over a decade later...
written @ 9:19 a.m. on 2003-12-11

Well something really great has happened.

My best friend from school found me. I don't really have all that many memories from the time I was 5 until the time I was in 14 that don't include her in some way.

When I was 13 we bought the house across the street from her and then a year later she up and moved away. I never held it against her though, she really had to move to be happy.

We had kept in touch by letters for a while, but when I got kicked out my house, and then moved by myself in the middle of nowhere, and then I lost everything, I just became a bad friend and stopped writing.

It is great to be catching up with her though. The emails are insanely long, and find myself going over them 2-3 times to make sure I don't miss anything that she has said, or that I haven't left something out when I write back.

Now this may sound a little crazy, but it is like I found something that has been missing but never really knew what it was, it just kind of always bothers you, you know.

Now secretly I think she has been reading this diary. So if you have been Chris, busted. I only think so because I have had a larger then normal amount of pages read, with most of them caming from the same IP address(coming from the same area she lives). I don't mind though. All I care about is that I may be getting back a long lost friend.

I owe a lot to her. Without her I wouldn't have known her mom and her mom is the one that got me into the JW stuff, which got me moved to Westlock and got me my job, which allowed me to meet Peter and eventually have bug.

I know this all sounds crazy, and now if she reads this this she will think that I am crazy, but really I am just happy.

In other news, we took bug sledding last night. Really she was too chicken to go down the hill much and ended of playing house with some of her friends while Peter and I sleded. My ass hurts this morning something fierce. My back too. Whatever, we had fun, but I think Peter caught a cold.

I also renewed my library membership, because I have been reading a series of books, but am missing one, luckily the one the library had from the series. I could have bought the book for less then the membership, but sadly there is no book store near by.

I really need to update the list on the side, I have read about 10 books since the last time I put on there, but I am too lazy at the moment, maybe next week when school holidays start.

Well time to get to work, I have 4 kids coming over tonight, so their mom can go out, and one of them just started walking, so this house needs a bit of spuceing so he doesn't joke on something.
