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saturday-8 :: giving thanks and shopping!
written @ 8:35 a.m. on 2003-11-29

saturday-8 :: giving thanks and shopping!

for those of us in the US, this week & weekend have been bogged down with turkey and shopping. or have they?

1. so, tell us about your thanksgiving this year. how was it? give us the reader's digest condensed version ... the good, the bad and the UGLY.

Since I am Canadian we celebrated Thanksgiving weeks ago, but her it is. The food was great, as was the company, the only bad was how much was drank by all that evening.

2. what thanksgiving dish can your table NOT be without? why is it special to you?

As long as there is perogies, I couldn't care less about the rest of the meal. My family doesn't always have a turkey, sometimes its a ham, but we always have perogies.

3. the dirt ... canned cranberry sauce, or homemade & fresh?

I didn't cook, but I think we had canned.

4. tell us about your perfect thanksgiving dinner guests, dead or alive, and why you'd want them at your holiday table.

Friends and family, but only the ones that don't get on my nerves, that would be perfect, and if I could I would have my grandpa back for it too. He always loved a good, big meal.

5. when i was younger and had more patience (and energy), i used to always hit the mall the day after thanksgiving. now i'd rather brand my own thigh with a hot poker. are you one of those ambitious (and self-punishing) types who like to brave the crowds & sales, or are you like me ... sitting home and polishing off the leftovers?

I would shop if I had to, but would rather spend the day with my family.

6. since EVERYONE seems to be doing the SOBE diet (south beach, dahling), are you on any type of diet this holiday season? or are you 'in control' when it comes to your caloric intake?

No diet for me, the snow shoveling and walking seems to be keeping me the same size, but who knows what I will do after all the holidays are over.

7. spill - are your holiday decorations up yet? if not, do you plan on decorating your abode this year?

I pretty much finished them yesterday, there are a few more, but those are the ones bug likes to do and she will be back tomorrow.

8. be honest ... have you even STARTED your holiday shopping? you know, christmas and hanukkah are just a few weeks away!

I am finished except for a few stocking stuffers. Most of them are wrapped and under the tree at this very moment.

with all we have to be thankful for this year, i'm thankful for YOU, sweet sat-8 player, for keeping this meme alive. :)
