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i am retiring this blog - 2005-06-04
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Home again - 2005-04-01
A appy ending - 2005-03-18
I am tired of tired - 2005-03-01

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books I couldn't put down
amazonia by james rollins
acorna by anne mccaffrey and margaret ball
acorna's quest by anne mccaffrey and margaret ball
acorna's people by anne mccaffrey and elizabeth ann scarborough
the lonesome gods by louis l'amour

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Why is it that those you help are always too busy to help back?
written @ 7:40 a.m. on 2003-10-01

So I am home today. You would thimk yeah, but it is not a good day. Sadly the reason I am home is because I have to take care of the flock Kelly usually cares for. She got a call from her mom yesterday to say that her uncle had died. It was a shock. She was so upset that she didn't tell me how many kids I would have, or what their schedules will be like.

Well, now that I have half of the kids, I pretty know what I have to do, the question is how to do it. I have:

Morgan-6:15 am to 2:30pm, has playschool on Tuesday and Thursday from 12:30 to 3:30.

Kyle-6:45 to 4:45, but easy because he does not have to go anywhere and is used to walking everywhere, so there will be no whining from him.

Riley-9:45 to Don't know when cause they are not here yet, not to hard because he is young(2ish I think)and can fit in stroller, bad cause he is potty training(I hate doing that).

Bailey-9:45 to don't know when, has kindergarten from 12:30 to 3:45, and I don't know how I am going to swing this one cause I have been having a hard time trying to figure out getting Sydney home from school, although Marion will be taking her in the mornings.

I tried to have a friend who owes me tonne of favors to pick Bug up from school, because her daughter and Bug are in the same class and we live on the same block, but for some reason she is much to busy to help me in any way.

I think I will be too busy the next time she asks me to drop everything and help her out with her kids.

I think I better go and start trying to figure out some things. With any luck I will be able to call in a large amount of favors. How do you figure things out when you don't know if it is going to be for one week or 2?

I'm feeling:

That's right, on top of everything else I am all hopped up on pamprin.
