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amazonia by james rollins
acorna by anne mccaffrey and margaret ball
acorna's quest by anne mccaffrey and margaret ball
acorna's people by anne mccaffrey and elizabeth ann scarborough
the lonesome gods by louis l'amour

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all about me part 1
written @ 7:49 p.m. on 2003-09-17

All about me - Part 1

Just because I felt like it. I didn't include last names, because, well just because I didn't. So be nosey, and if you are one of my buddies do one too, then I can be nosey too.

1. What is your name? Sherry Lynn

2. Where and when were you born? Drayton Valley, July 14th 1975

3. Who are/were your parents? Rosalyn and Rick, but he has been long replaced by Darrel

4. Do you have any siblings? 1 half brother, from real dads 1st marriage, 1 sister, 2 brothers, and 3 step brothers.

5. Where do you live now, and with whom? Describe the place and the person/people. I now live in Swan Hills, with Peter(hubby), Sydney(daughter), Marion(exchange student daughter), Sarah(cat), and Bently(cat).

6. What is your occupation? Full time mother, and all that entails, P/T store person, you could say asst. manager without the title, because I am the only other person that works there.

7. Write a full physical description of yourself. Include height, weight, race, hair and eye color, style of dress, and any tattoos, scars, or distinguishing marks. I am 5'6", and heavy for my size(not hugely, but enough to make me not want to put it here). I am Canadian, with a German heritage. I have black hair with Purple-pink highlights(damn color is fading), hazel eyes that change with my moods, and have no style of clothes. I dress according to my mood and the requirements of the environment. I have scars of all kinds(been shot and stabbed, plus all of the stuff that just happens), I have 2 tattoos(each about palm size, and soon to be more), I have 7 piercing, which is also soon to be more.

8. To which social class do you belong? Umm, the one that cares about our environment and the world our kids are growing up in. If this is a simple question asking about how much money my family brings in, we would be considered middle class I guess.

9. Do you have any allergies, diseases, or other physical weaknesses? I am allergic to wool. I have polycystic ovarian syndrom, and acid reflux disease. I am prone to stomach ulcers in times of stress, and have shin splints and heel spurs. Wow, that was quite the list, wasn�t it.

10. Are you right- or left-handed? Right, but I played the drums for 10 years and so can do everything almost as well with the left.

11. What does your voice sound like? Call me and you�ll see, otherwise you�re out of luck.

12. What words and/or phrases do you use very frequently? No, we�ll see, and you cunt(but that one is only to hubby when he sneak attacks me).

I'm feeling:
