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Wednesday whine-the parent-in-laws
written @ 10:42 a.m. on 2003-08-07

Wednesday Whine - The parent-in-laws

this a day late, but this is a good topic for me, you'll see why.

1. They were always sweet and nice to me when Peter and I were dating. They thought I was good for him. He had broken the law a few times, couldn't hold on to a job, was into drugs, you know, not the best behaved kid. I never believed the horror stories he told me, but I should have. One day they sat us down and told us how proud they were that we were being mature enough not to be having sex, we played along, I mean, why cause trouble. It wasn't like I could get pregnate anyways, or so the doctors said. The very next week I found out I was 2 and a half months pregnate. He told them, and they changed. Now I was part of the family and they could treat me as such.

2.Peter's dad, Harry, is a vulgar man. He is loud and rude. He claims to be a christian, but Peter grew up getting beat up, and it didn't stop until he and his brother were old enough to fight back. I mean they were not good kids, but no one deserves that, I know, I grew up getting beat up, until I learned to fight back too. His dad must also be sexually frustrated. At Bugs 2nd birthday party our friends Terra and Dwayne were coming down the stairs to our place and he was going out. He has known T and D as longer than he has known me. Anyways he leaned oved to give T a kiss on the cheek, she thought, but at the last second turned and slipped her the tongue. I mean gross. Once when I was doing dishes he came up behind me and grabbed my boobs. I almost put him down. So now Peter is never allowed to leave me alone with him.

3. Peter's mom is manic depressive. This is fine, she takes lots of pills. She is not willing to try alternative methods of treatment, she says she is a nurse so she knows best. I can't tell her anything because if she doesn't like it she could go off the depend. She is really thouchy, feely, it gives me the heebee jeebees. But my biggest problem with her is her money issuses. She is always broke, but doesn't want to work. She spends money like it is going out of style. She has kept a record of every cent she has given us, or spent on us, ever.

You may think this is a joke, but no. We get this printout from her computer with the money we owe her. Everything from $20 that she gave to Peter when he was 17, to the money spent on gifts for Bug. All of this she wants us to pay her back for. Seriously, when Bug spends the weekend there, she include the kids meal she bought for her on the list.

4. I will tell you about the last thing that happened around there as a prime example. They have been having a hard time keeping up payments on the condo. Jackie is barely working and Harry is semiretired, but picking up every job that comes his way to pay the bills. So last month Jackie called Peter to say they were selling the condo and going to buy a trailer, well good I thought. Then she said she needed $2000, for the down payment and could we give it to her???? She knew that Peter had not been working, she knew we had to take out a loan to pay the bills, but did this matter, NO. So Peter said no and then told me the story. Peter went to the city a few days later, and took his dad to see a movie(you see where peter gets his spending habits from right away). He told his dad he was sorry he could not help out, but there was nothing he could do. H didn't have a clue what Peter was talking about, so P explained. H then told P that Jackie had just went out and bought a water purifier. No big deal right, they only cost a couple of bucks. Well she spent $700 on this one. I am not kidding, she really did. H and P were mad, a big drama occured. To top it all off, J at this very minute is in the states for a family reunion, she flew, to stay for 2 weeks. Peter really wanted to go, but we all make sacrifices when money is short, all of us except for Jackie.

I know that this has been long, but the in-laws infuriate me, and it felt good to get it off my chest.

I'm feeling:
