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i am retiring this blog - 2005-06-04
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Home again - 2005-04-01
A appy ending - 2005-03-18
I am tired of tired - 2005-03-01

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books I couldn't put down
amazonia by james rollins
acorna by anne mccaffrey and margaret ball
acorna's quest by anne mccaffrey and margaret ball
acorna's people by anne mccaffrey and elizabeth ann scarborough
the lonesome gods by louis l'amour

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Meet Rose
written @ 8:45 a.m. on 2003-08-06

Coffee tastes so good this morning. I played with my neopet until 2 am, bed around 2:30, so when the phone rang this morning at 7:45, I was not happy. Thats allright though. It was Kelly, just checking to see how I am. She sent Braden over to play with Sydney, at my request, so now I can have my coffee in peace.

I keep hearing shrieks from the back yard, so the catch the grasshopper hunt must be going well. The damned things have almost destroyed most of my plants, and you can't walk 2 feet without one smacking you in the face, so as far as I am concerned, the kids can do what ever they want with the buggers.

Okay, bug hunting is over, I had to run because I heard a very large shatter, and then 2 voices in unison, "I didn't do it". My own fault for giving them a glass jar.

So now they are painting. Less to break, and with my watercolor paints, less to clean up.

Now on to the new job that I mentioned yesterday. It may not be a new job, but an act of kindness, but either way it involves work so I will call it a job for now. Yesterday 2 older ladies came into the store because one of them had to sit down and take a rest. This was while Sylvia was there to drop of some stuff, so in between customers I sat and talked to them too. One of the ladies, Rose, is in her late 70's, I would guess. Anyways she is going blind, and so needs help to get around, she alo has a blood disorder, so she is very thin and weak. She lives by herself, in a rather large house, a few blocks from me. She asked Sylvia if she knew of anyone that would be interested in coming to her house once a week to help with cleaning. Anyways, Sylvia knew I had done that for a lady in Thorhild for 5 years, who was also all alone, and suggested me. I think that she is planing to pay me, but I don't know if I would take money. It all depends on if she is the kind of woman that would take offence to my not accepting money, and if it is a tonne of work, though I doubt that it would be. Oh, did I mention that Rose is almost completely deaf, so she said that I should just come in when I have time tomorrow, and go ahead and start. She said she can't hear the phone ring or the door bell, so she would see me when I get there. I hope that I don't scare her so bad that she has a heart attack or something.

I love good deeds, they make you feel good about yourself and help someone else feel good at the same time. I also love hanging out with older people. They tell the best stories, have the best advice, and are usually the most wise people there are. I think that if more people listened to the elderly, the younger generations would be much better off.

I'm feeling:
