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acorna's people by anne mccaffrey and elizabeth ann scarborough
the lonesome gods by louis l'amour

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Saturday Scruples
written @ 12:29 a.m. on 2003-07-26

Saturday Scruples

1. You're on a committee to award a $100,000 prize. One of the two front runners is a former childhood friend whose career has eclipsed yours. Do you steer the prize to the other candidate?

Never, I am not that kind of person. Most of the people I went to school with are much more successful career wise, I on the other hand had a child young, and have not had time to make this part of my life a priority. That does not mean I won't one day, and I would never look down on others for choosing a different path then I.

2. Your marriage is under strain. A friend recommends an illegal drug that expands your love, understanding and sensuality. Do you try it?

Probably not, if it is a drug that I had tried in the past, I already know what it could do for me(have tried a few) and I choose to quit them. Something I haven't tried I would never do either because I am not into that stuff anymore. If our marriage is in trouble, comunication, amoung other things is where I would focus my energy.

3. A friend gets drunk and confides that a month ago he injured a cyclist and didn't stop. Do you report your friend?

Tough one. I don't think that any of my friends would do that, but if they had, I am not sure if I would want to remain friends with them. I probably wouldn't report them, but I don't want to have a friend that doesn't have a conscious either.
