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acorna by anne mccaffrey and margaret ball
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the lonesome gods by louis l'amour

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Saturday 8 - Books and Movies
written @ 8:05 a.m. on 2003-07-26

Saturday-8: "Books & Movies"

1. Are you an avid reader, or would you prefer to see a movie instead?

I am a avid reader, but there are those times when I go weeks without being in the mood to read. I also love movies, but I spend a lot more time reading.

2. When you hear that a movie is coming out that you know is based on a book, do you read the book first or wait for the movie?

If it is book I am interested in I will, like the Lord of the Rings series, and I already have the book, otherwise I am not going to go out and look for it, I have to many on the "to read" shelf as it is.

3. Have you ever liked a movie so much that you went out and purchased the book? I don't think so, but my husband does it all the time, problem is they are always the comic book, hero ones, and I have tried, but can not get into them.

4. Are you a purist, and get upset/angry if a film adaptation does not stay 100% to the book?

Not really, I would prefer if all movies were true to the books, but telling a story and showing a story are two different things, so who am I to judge. If it was a big problem for me, then I should be making movies rather then complaining. By the way, the two newest Dune series movies are very book based, most of the dialog is word for word from the book.

5. Have you ever refused to see a movie because the casting of a major character was controversial (like Tom Cruise as Lestat or Renee Zellweger as Bridget Jones)?

No, during a movie they are a character, not themselves, I don't watch movies so I can make rich people richer, I watch them as entertainment or as an escape. I don't like to be judged, and I am sure they don't need any more people judging them.

6. What is your favorite genre of book and movie?

I love to read science fiction and fantasy (but usually books that were written some time ago, some of them have been out of print for years, and very hard to find). I grew up reading my dads westerns, and every once in a while I find one I haven't read, and so it becomes my new book of the moment. Books for improving or fixing my home, and sometimes random fiction are also in my read list.

7. Do you prefer to read one type of book, but watch another type of movie?

Nope, I am interested too many things to be tied down. What interests me today, might not again for weeks, so I usually just go with the moment.

8. If you could choose one book to be made into a movie, which one would it be (or book series, if you're stuck)?

The Circle of Light series by Niel Hancock or the Fuzzy series by H. Beam Piper
