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books I couldn't put down
amazonia by james rollins
acorna by anne mccaffrey and margaret ball
acorna's quest by anne mccaffrey and margaret ball
acorna's people by anne mccaffrey and elizabeth ann scarborough
the lonesome gods by louis l'amour

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I have plenty of time to procrastinate
written @ 5:38 p.m. on 2003-07-23

What a nice day. I have done some of the house work, though not as much as I should have, but my feet hurt, so mowing the lawn was out of the question. Maybe I will do that tonight though.

Last night I finally caught up on all of the big brother episodes. I know that this is cheap entertainment, but at times a get the urge to watch TV, and so this is what I watch. I really like the fact that I don't have to think much while watching so my brain gets a break, and I get a good laugh.

Sylvia called me today to let me know that she just got in a almost brand new double bed, and wanted to know if I wanted it. So since I had to go down town to return bugs movie anyways we went to the store too. The mattress and frame look like they have never been used, and Sylvia threw in a frame for me, so I am getting all of this for $112.50, which personally I think is a steal. So now all I need to get for Marion's room is a dresser, a mirror, a bed side table, and possibly a desk. I already have 2, but they are both in use. If Trevor leaves his here when he leaves then she can have that one, so I am saving that for last. I would also like to get a lamp and a cd player for her room too. Oh yeah, a alarm clock would probably be a good idea too.

I guess that my list is not a short as I thought. I am going to be able to get pretty good deals on most of the stuff through the store, that is if we have what I am in need of. But the time it is going to take to me all of the 100's of books, and all the craft stuff downstairs to Trevors room, then paint and decorate her room, I am going to be so rushed. I am going to also refinish the furniture that I buy so that it doesn't look like it came out of a trash bin. Luckily that is one of my hobbies and I am pretty good at it.

I want the room to look good, not just for her, but I don't want to have to redo all of this stuff after she leaves, because this will become the guest room. That is right, I have a 4 bedroom house, and it is about time that I have a guest room in it. I have had a library since we bought the house, so it is time to make our guests feel like they are just as important as our books to us. God are we backwards people or what?

Geez I just remembered that in the next month I also have to finish painting the living room and the kitchen, and clean the carpets. I hope that Marion's asthma is not very bad, her mom said it wasn't but why take chances, and also it is time, the carpets haven't been done since we moved in.

I am tired just thinking about all of this work I have to do. How will I ever get it all done being such a procrastinator?
