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books I couldn't put down
amazonia by james rollins
acorna by anne mccaffrey and margaret ball
acorna's quest by anne mccaffrey and margaret ball
acorna's people by anne mccaffrey and elizabeth ann scarborough
the lonesome gods by louis l'amour

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This or That
written @ 8:33 a.m. on 2003-07-22

This or That

1) DVD or VHS? DVD of course.

2) Best Literary/Movie Villan: Voldemort (Harry Potter) or Sauron (LoTR)? Sauron, only because he has been a villan for much longer.

3) Meat: rare or well-done? Well done, almost burt if I can get it that way.

4) High Speed Internet-Cable or DSL? I would prefer cable, but where I live dialup is the only option.

5) Women: 1-piece bathing suit or Bikini? If I had the body for it - bikini, but I don't yet, but one day I will.

6) To be fair--Men: Boxers or briefs? boxer briefs, you know the combo ones, they look sexy on hubby, but he prefers just plain boxers.

7) Beer or Liquor/Wine? Beer, on a hot day, during a BBQ.

8) Coke or Mountain Dew? Niether, i'm a diet pepsi girl.

9) In honor of my 10/18/03 nuptials: Morning or Afternoon/Night Wedding? My wedding was at 3 pm, morning you feel rushed, and evening is too late for those people that have to go home that night, but are from out of town.

10) Carpet or Hardwood Floors Hardwood, you can always add an area rug later.

11) American cars or foreign? We have an American, but when we have the money, our next one will be foreign.

12) Cutest TV Twin: Mary-Kate or Ashley Olsen? Is there a difference?

13) Coffee: Caffeinated or Decaf? What is the point without the caffine?

14) Thought-Provoking Question of the Week: Computers: Do they make life better or worse? Why? Maybe not better, but definetly easier, the only problem is that I spend too much of my free time on mine.
