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Saturday 8-sun and fun
written @ 9:04 a.m. on 2003-07-19

Saturday-8: "Sun & Fun"

Do you know how to swim? If so, how old were you when you learned?

Yes, I do. I had a terrible fear of all water, so when I was 11 my mother forced me into lessons. I was at least 6 years older then all the other kids, the embarrasment was worse then the water so I learned.

Are you a pool person or a beach person?

Pool, usually, I don't like the idea of a leech or something equally disgusting touching me. But if it is a nice clear lake, where you can watch the minnows swim between your legs, then defintely the lake.

How hot of temperature outside does it have to be before you are seriously uncomfortable?

I get sun stoke pretty easily, so after 25*C (68*F) I am looking for shade or some water.

Before you go swimming, can the water be any temperature, around the 70s-80s, or basically bathwater before you will go in?

Pretty much at any temperature, we went swimming at a lake at the end of may when the temp outside was only 15*C (60*F) and I was fine.

Are you a "baby oil & iodine" person, or an SPF 75 sunblock person?

I have naturally olivey skin so I don't really burn, so I don't really use either. When the UV index is high I put SPF 30 on Sydney, she is as white as her father.

Have you ever been to a water theme park? If so, which one and did you enjoy? Would you ever go back to one? If not, why?

Only to WEM. It was alright I guess, but way to crowded, and the whole indoor thing, in the summer was annoying. Sydney would really like to go though, so maybe this winter, when there is no where else to go.

Do you tan or burn, or both? Or are you one of those perpetually WHITE people who never can seem to get or hold onto a tan?

I am a tanner, I don't try to, but I can be outside for an hour after mowing the lawn, and be another shade darker.

When you go to the beach, do you make sandcastles and play in the sand? Do you spend much of your time in the water, or maybe just lying on a beach blanket?

A little of each, some with Sydney in the sand, some with Peter on the towel, and some for me in the water.
