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i am retiring this blog - 2005-06-04
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Home again - 2005-04-01
A appy ending - 2005-03-18
I am tired of tired - 2005-03-01

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books I couldn't put down
amazonia by james rollins
acorna by anne mccaffrey and margaret ball
acorna's quest by anne mccaffrey and margaret ball
acorna's people by anne mccaffrey and elizabeth ann scarborough
the lonesome gods by louis l'amour

free hit counter
My husband the lobster
written @ 2:17 p.m. on 2003-07-16

I am feeling much better today. Mostly because I have done nothing. I am the queen of procrastinating. I fed Sydney and the cats breakfast. I did the dishes. Then I fed Sydney lunch. Oh and I took the garbage out. It is 2 in the afternoon and that is all I have done. Sure feels good. I will make supper tonight and that will be it for the day.

Trevor is working night shift tonight, so I will be watching the 4 hours of Big Brother he has recorded on the sattilite thingy in his room. I think he is getting annoyed with me for not watching them yet, but I just haven't been in the mood.

Oh the funniest thing, well for me anyways. Peter had to go work at the shop yesterday because part of the roof caved in. So he and 2 other guys spent the day on the roof on the shop. Peter said it was too hot so he went shirtless, he isn't always the smartest, but I love him. So he came home tomatoe red. I laughed my as off. Everytime I had to slather on the solarcaine I laughed as he cringed in pain, and shuttered from the cold of the cream. I snickered when he almost cried when I put the wet, cool towel on his back.

You may think me cruel, but I have told him so many times. I bought him some super dooper water proof sunscreen. It is not my fault when he doesn't listen to me and use it. It isn't my fault that in the end I was right again. I feel bad that he is pain, but he never learns. He will make this mistake again next summer, just as he has time and time again in the past. He thinks that because he is a man that he doesn't need sunscreen.

I will try to get a picture of the lobster when he get home from work to add here, but I don't know if he will be in the mood for a photo session.
