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the lonesome gods by louis l'amour

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Wednesday Whine
written @ 8:35 a.m. on 2003-07-10

Wednesday Whine - Cellular Phones

1. I hate that Peter and most of my friends think that it is okay to be driving while having a smoke and drinking their coffee, and answer the cell. Then while talking on their cell phones, they continue to do all of the other things as well. How many hands would a person need to do this safely? It is really annoying, and unsafe.

2. Leaving your cell phone in very inappropriate places. These people first of all forget to turn them off, at wedding, funerals, and movies. Then instead of turning them off quickly when they ring, they answer and talk while making a scene to leave the room. How rude can some people be?

3. You always see two people sitting at a restaurant table, and how often is one of them talking on a cell phone. I always feel bad for that other person, like they are not important enough to their friend, to have any attention paid to them.

4. I am not a phone person, I have never been. I would rather talk to a person face to face any day. I do not like the idea of people being able to phone me at any time of the day no matter where I am. When I am away from home, it is to get away from home and all that it includes, this includes the phone.

Now don�t get me wrong, I am not against cell phones, we have one, but it is only for emergencies and is kept in the car. That is the way I like it. If I need to get a hold of someone at any other time, there are always pay phones.
