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i am retiring this blog - 2005-06-04
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Home again - 2005-04-01
A appy ending - 2005-03-18
I am tired of tired - 2005-03-01

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books I couldn't put down
amazonia by james rollins
acorna by anne mccaffrey and margaret ball
acorna's quest by anne mccaffrey and margaret ball
acorna's people by anne mccaffrey and elizabeth ann scarborough
the lonesome gods by louis l'amour

free hit counter
25 forever
written @ 9:12 a.m. on 2003-07-09

Why is it that when you get back from camping, it always takes a couple days to get back in routine. I mean we were only gone for 2 days, but it has taken me 2 additional days to get back to normal.

I didn't do any work around here until last night, but by then it was 10 and too late to get much done. Peter and I watched Phone Booth last night, which was surprisingly better then we thought it would be. It by really fast, probably because the movie is done in real time. I turned on the TV yesterday to watch Keen Eddie, Trevor showed it to me last week, and I think I may be hooked. Anyways after I was flipping channels looking for something else to watch and there was nothing. I watch so little TV anymore, that even the shows I used to watch religiously are stupid.

I am not sure why we are still paying for cable, but then again if we cut it off Peter would whine for his videos, and Sydney would whine for her cartoons, and I would miss CSI in the fall. Maybe its because I like to have the option of watching it when I want to.

I spent most of the day with Jennifer yesterday. She found out that her husband(jackass) has been dealing with a lawyer, and has slowly been moving stuff out of the house. This wouldn't be a big deal, she doesn't want to be with him anymore, but he also started moving out some of Colton's stuff too. She she called me freaking out. I gave her the numbers of 2 very good lawyers that I know, and spent the day reassuring here that Alan would never get custody of Colton. Also I had to fish for what she would like for her birthday. It is on the 14th too. Last year Peter got us a cake and we just had a afternoon of us and the kids at our house. Even then Alan wouldn't do anything for her, so this year won't be any better. To bad I have to work at the store that day, or we could have gone some where to celebrate.

Actually I will do my celebrating with Sylvia and other friends on the 19th(thats her birthday), but I don't want Jennifer to not have anything or be by herself.

I am getting old. 28 So when do you start lieing about your age? I don't feel 28, I don't look 28, I should be 25 at the most. Yup 25 is a good age, I think thats what i'll be for the next few years.
