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acorna by anne mccaffrey and margaret ball
acorna's quest by anne mccaffrey and margaret ball
acorna's people by anne mccaffrey and elizabeth ann scarborough
the lonesome gods by louis l'amour

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saturday-8 :: BOO!
written @ 8:29 a.m. on 2003-11-02

saturday-8 :: BOO!

yesterday was hallowe'en, the night that many people dread for different reasons. now that it's over, let's sit back and take a relaxed look at the holiday...

1. when you were a child, did you enjoy hallowe'en, or was it a stressful time for you (trying to decide on a costume, getting your candy stolen by a sibling)? why or why not?

Good times, and nothing else. I have never had a bad enough experience to remember, so they must have all been good.

2. at your present age, do you look forward to hallowe'en? why or why not?

Yup, because now I have a kid who loves it as much as I ever did.

3. do you decorate your home/apartment/work area for hallowe'en? why or why not?

I decorate the house and the store because it is fun and Bug loves it.

4. if you are employed, does your company celebrate hallowe'en in any way? if so, what do they do? if not, do you wish that they would?

We decorate the store. We sell some gently used halloween costumes. We would give out candy but we close to early for the candy hungry kids.

5. at your present age, do you 'dress up' for hallowe'en? why or why not?

No, truthfully I don't enjoy dressing up unless I have somewhere to go, and since I have yet to be invited to a halloween party, I have not dressed up in a few years.

6. do you pass out hallowe'en candy to children in your area, or do you turn off the lights and pretend no one is home? why or why not?

Give them the candy, I can't expect anyone to give to my kid if I am not going to give to thiers. Not only that I love to see them all dressed up. The kids are so cute.

7. oftentimes fundamentalist christians refuse to celebrate hallowe'en because ... and i quote ... "we do not celebrate SATAN." do you feel that hallowe'en is a vulnerable time for humankind? why or why not?

No, and I many of the religious leaders of this community have encouraged those who had believed this to give out candies to the kids and think of it as a giant costume party, because that is all it is to the kids.

8. if money were not object and you had a fabulous hallowe'en masquerade party to go to, what would your "dream costume" be? describe it for us! we want to know how you'd look! :)

I would be dressed as something from a fantasy novel. Like and elf or a fairy. I'm not really sure, but something like that.
