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saturday-8 :: celebrity death match!
written @ 8:48 a.m. on 2003-09-28

saturday-8 :: celebrity death match!

within the past two weeks, we have watched the passing of a few celebrities: john ritter, johnny cash, the maytag man gordon jump, author george plimpton yesterday robert palmer of the "simply irresistible" fame. today's questions take a tongue-in-cheek look at celebrities and their mortality...

1. if the world could be rid of one celebrity, who would you like it to be? why?

I really wouldn't want to be rid of any. I do not read about them in magazines or watch those shows about famous people. That is just not me. There are less then 2000 people in my town, if I want to get to know someone, it will be someone from here that I can be friends with. That doesn't mean there are some celebrities that I don't like, but I just don't spend my time on them, thats all.

2. do you participate in any activities like the celebrity death pool (stiffs.com)? why or why not?

No, thats just wrong.

3. which celebrity death this year has affected you the most? why?

The Mr. Dressup was pretty hard, but that was a year ago last week. This year John Ritter is really sad, just because he was a funny guy and made me laugh when I was a kid and watched Three's Company.

4. which celebrity death this year has affected you the least? why didn't it affect you?

Got me. The one that affected me least, is probably the one I never knew about.

5. which celebrity couple would you like to say 'adios!' to? why?

Same answer as question 1.

6. if you could attend one celebrity's funeral, whose funeral would you move heaven & earth to attend?

Really there would not be one. I have never known a celebrity well enough to attend a funeral of there's. I really believe funerals should be for friends and family, not a circus with people taking pictures the whole time.

7. have you visited any famous person's grave, like jim morrison, marilyn monroe, elvis?


8. give us the plans for YOUR funeral. do you want it to be a big party? a small affair? do you want to be immortalized in marble? cremated? give us the scoop!

What ever my family wants. A party would be cool. Have the sad funeral if you must, but afterward get all those important people together, and have some fun. That's what we did after my grandpa died, and it was just what he would have wanted. Oh' and I want to be cremated, I don't like the idea of rotting away.

have a super week!
