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amazonia by james rollins
acorna by anne mccaffrey and margaret ball
acorna's quest by anne mccaffrey and margaret ball
acorna's people by anne mccaffrey and elizabeth ann scarborough
the lonesome gods by louis l'amour

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saturday-8 :: birthdays!
written @ 1:18 p.m. on 2003-09-20

the saturday-8 :: birthdays!

today is my birthday, and i'm turning 29 (for the 3rd time, really). so, since i'm feeling a bit celebratory, here is the sat-8 in a birthday theme!

1. how many candles were on your last birthday cake?

none, I didn't get one, but there would have 28.

2. when you were younger, did you enjoy your bdays?

Not really, I never got a party in the summer because it was always my great aunt Bobby's birthday party the same week. I used to really hate that.

3. do you enjoy your bdays now?

Umm, I did, but I have decided not to have anymore for awhile. This getting older thing is not for me.

4. what was your best present you received for your bday, either in monetary/wow! value or sentimental value?

The first present peter gave to me after we got together. A little stuffed turtle.

5. do you like it when people sing 'happy birthday' to you?

Never happens, cause I never get cakes, Peter if you are reading this, I hope you are feeling overwhelmed with guilt.

6. are you one of those people who ANNOUNCE your bday to the world and EVERYONE knows when it is, or do you let it slip by quietly?

Quietly, except for in here, because I secretly want everyone to make a really big deal over it.

7. do you like to shop & give birthday gifts to others?

Yup, it is one of my favorite things to do.

8. what are you going to get me for my birthday?

What do you want?

= NO!!! i'm KIDDING!!!!

the "real" #8. describe your 'perfect' birthday. this could be a birthday you've already had, or a purely fantasy birthday.

One where Peter and Bug remember, and go out of their way for me.

enjoy! see you next week! :)
