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the lonesome gods by louis l'amour

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Saturday Scruples
written @ 11:03 p.m. on 2003-09-13

Saturday Scruples

1. The pregnancy has been confirmed, but you're both single and in school. You're not ready to become parents. Do you arrange an abortion?

This is what happened to me. I was dating a guy(though not having sex with him) and still having sex with my ex. I went to my best friends wedding on Sat, but had been sick for days. Another friend suggested a pregnacy test. I was told I would never have kids, so laughed it off. Next day before the long move to my apartment to the city with a friend to start college the next day, I take the pregnacy test. Long story, short I was pregnate, did start school the next day. Did tell the father, did have the baby(known here as Bug), did finish college(while working part time), did marry said father(known here as Peter) and have been living mostly happily ever after so far(now Bug is 5 and a half). We were not even close to being ready, but abortion was not right for me, and luckily so, because we have tried for another baby for 5 years with no luck as my diease has gotten worse, and now really can't have kids.

2. You're playing badminton with a very competitive person. You discover s/he has a disability, a blind spot. Do you take advantage?

Yup, never said I was a saint, and I love putting cocky people in their places.

3. In the middle of your evaluation, your boss is called away. Your personnel file is left open. Do you glance at it?

Yup, even though this is probably a ploy to catch me doing something I am not supposed to , and would probably would get fired in the end. I am just nosey that way, espically when it is about me.
