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i am retiring this blog - 2005-06-04
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Home again - 2005-04-01
A appy ending - 2005-03-18
I am tired of tired - 2005-03-01

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books I couldn't put down
amazonia by james rollins
acorna by anne mccaffrey and margaret ball
acorna's quest by anne mccaffrey and margaret ball
acorna's people by anne mccaffrey and elizabeth ann scarborough
the lonesome gods by louis l'amour

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Work day
written @ 8:20 a.m. on 2003-07-28

Well today I go back to work. It is going to be a long day. I have to go through the toy department, get rid of all the crap that the kids have destroyed. Then try to find all of the missing pieces to the houses and games. Also try to put all the bags of toys back together so that their owners will get their money when they sell. After that I have a huge consignment of toys to clean and price and try to find room for in the toy department.

Really this department is a great place for parents to leave their children at while shopping, I do the same when Sydney is there while I am working. The only problem is that none of these parents make their children clean up the messes that they make. This is truly annoying. I would never allow Sydney to leave a friends house, much less a store without cleaning up a mess she had made.

Then I have to finish all of the books, which there are so many of. Normally I would not mind because I love books, but over half of them are romance, and these I just do not understand. I have never been able to get through a full one, and gave up trying years ago. The closest thing to romance I read is erotica, but they are much, much better.

When all of this is done I have to start going through the housewares department. We have a tonne of new things to go into this department, but first I have to take some of the older stuff to make room. This is going to take forever. I really don�t know how much of this I am going to get done, but will try my best.

My boss and good friend Sylvia has been thinking about buying a new house. They live in a small modular close to down town, and would love to have a large real house. So this weekend I went to an open house on my block, to just check it out. The house has been completely remodeled, and I thought that Sylvia and Mike would love it. So when she got back from camping I told her about, and later yesterday we called the owners and she went to see it. She is in love with it, and is taking Mike to see today. It has a 10 person hot tub sunken into the deck, and if they do buy it, I will be making use of it on a regular basis. That would be so nice. We could have 2 house parties. Start out here with pool and end up there in the tub. I have wanted a hot tub forever, but we don�t have money for a deck, much less a hot tub. Such is life.

Peter has the next 3 days off of work, and says he is going to finish painting the livingroom. I don�t think that he will. If you think that I am a procrastinator, then Peter would be the king of them all. It would be nice if he did, but I worry that he will screw it up, and I will have to redo it all. He has never painted before, as far as I know, and this worries me.

Well time to finish getting ready, and go. God I hope it doesn�t get too hot today.
