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the lonesome gods by louis l'amour

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Saturday 8
written @ 8:51 a.m. on 2003-07-05

Saturday-8: "Kid Stuff"

  1. What's the one memory of your childhood that makes you laugh everytime you look back?

    Playing block tag in the middle of the night, down town, on roofs of the stores.

  2. Everyone had a favorite toy, pet, blanket, etc. What was your favorite thing as a kid?

    My dog Spice, I took her everywhere, I got her the day I started grade 1, had her for 13 years, until she died.

  3. What was the most idiodic thing you did when you were a kid?

    Playing tag on the trains. We would hide on them until they started moving and then would catch a ride to the next town, and spend the day walking back on the tracks.

  4. Who was your best friend as a kid?

    Christine Gerla, she lived across the street, we did almost everything together.

  5. Is there anything that you did when you were a kid that you still do to this day? For example, you might have a bad habit of biting your finger nails.

    I broke the nail biting habit, I think that if I had to choose, it would be that I was a mother hen. All the younger kids were always at our houses(single mom had to work so no parents) and its the same now too.

  6. Who did you look up to as a kid?

    My mom, though at the time I would never had admitted it, there is no one stronger in the world.

  7. What was your favorite snack as a kid?

    Grilled cheese sandwiches, or mom's home made doughnuts.

  8. What's your fondest memory as a kid?

    Being a town kid in a very small town. There was not many of us and our ages had a huge span, but we did everything together, and we always had fun. It could have been a game of football, the old abonded house we redid for ourselves, or just sitting around watching movies. We were always together like a family, and most of us still keeo in touch.
