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i am retiring this blog - 2005-06-04
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A appy ending - 2005-03-18
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books I couldn't put down
amazonia by james rollins
acorna by anne mccaffrey and margaret ball
acorna's quest by anne mccaffrey and margaret ball
acorna's people by anne mccaffrey and elizabeth ann scarborough
the lonesome gods by louis l'amour

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A really great day
written @ 5:30 p.m. on 2003-06-27

So this turned out to be such a great day. We had to go to Whitecourt and put money in the account that my student loan payments come out of. I wanted to get something for a craft so we went to the pet store across the street from the bank. It was those little glass marble lookin' things. Anyways they usually only sell fish and mice, but today they had 3 kittens.

Well it is easy enough for anyone who knows me where this is going. First of all I have have a hard time seeing animals of any kind in small glass cages, and then when they look sad, well I just melt. This would be ok except Peter is the same way as me when it comes to cute little kittens.

Well anyways, after much debate it was decided that the one off by herself in a corner, looking sad had to come home with us. She has long fur which we thought was black in the pet store light, and a white nose and chin. So we went and bought groceries and then picked her up.

The drive home was not easy because this was not a planned event and so we did not bring one of the cat carriers. I bought a few clothes for hewr to sit on for the drive, which is a sign that I have done this before, because they were needed. She was car sick and I didn't even mind.

As soon as we got home she had to have a bath, because it was obvious that brushes or baths were nott done at the pet store. Once she was washed and dried we got a surprise. Her hair is a deep red color when the sun shines on it.

Now I know that you must be thinking, they are broke and one of their cats just died, but this is our nature. We are animal lovers, we help those in need, we would give our last scrap of food to a neighbourhood child if they needed it, and thankfully kittens cost only as much as the small amount of food they consume. Everything else we already have, and we did the same thing when we got Sarah, which we have never regretted.

Now to top things off when we got home today there was a delivery waiting for us, or to be more specific, for me. I love getting packages when they are surprises and I don't have to pay for them. So my friend Miranda sent me an early birthday, just because, cheer you up present. She is so sweet, another one of those giving by nature kind of people. It is a Lush gift pack of all kinds of stuff. Ther only things I have bought from there are the massaging bars(Peter and I recommend those highly) but I love the whole natural body care idea.

So Miranda, if you are reading this, thank you again.

So this has been a great day, thanxs to a kitten(name yet to be decided), (easily influenced by said kitten)husband, my daughter(who in the end always gets her way)and my friend Miranda(who seems to have great timing and is very thoughtful).
