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i am retiring this blog - 2005-06-04
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Home again - 2005-04-01
A appy ending - 2005-03-18
I am tired of tired - 2005-03-01

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books I couldn't put down
amazonia by james rollins
acorna by anne mccaffrey and margaret ball
acorna's quest by anne mccaffrey and margaret ball
acorna's people by anne mccaffrey and elizabeth ann scarborough
the lonesome gods by louis l'amour

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Children of Dune kicked ass
written @ 9:19 a.m. on 2003-06-12

Yesterday I just needed to get out of the house, so after all but 1 of the kids left we went for a walk down town. We were in a hurry to get back though, because Kyles mom was going to be here in a few minutes.

So we had to go by Amy's house. As I am walking by she says hi and the kids run to say hi to Chaise. I say hi even though I wanted to kick her in the teeth. She says come sit and visit. I say I have to get home for above reasons and that I am tired anyways. So she says, exact words "Why you don't do anything anyways", I could have killed her.

I get up early every morning to get house work done. I am taking care of 4 kids as a favor to Kelly, Peter is working so I have no help, we are broke so I have to spend half of my time baking to feed the kids, and to top it off I have my period. So I feel like shit.

She just has no tact, she still owes me money, and refuses to pay up, she is a lieing gossip and tells her kids to fuck off when they try to talk to her.

I am getting mad again just writing about it. Stupid bitch.

To change the subject Peter and I finished rewatching Dune and watched Children of Dune last night. Even though they skipped half of Dune Messiah, it was still great, and pretty true to the books. You could even quote parts of the books in the movie.

So I have started rereading God Emperor of Dune. They are just such great books. I hope they continue the movie series. I love it when Peter and I can sit and debate over which is better, movie or book. It is one of our favorite activites. I guess I better hurry up and finish reading X-Men 2, so I can see the movie. Peter has already read that book twice and seen the movie at least twice too.

So much to do and so little time, I really should be spending more time on school, but I do have another year to finish my course.
