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the saturday-8 :: sex, love & fidelity
written @ 7:51 a.m. on 2003-09-07

the saturday-8 :: sex, love & fidelity...

pardon the late arrival today as blogger has been down for much of the morning...

1. how long have you been sexually active? (if you're not, how much longer do you plan on waiting to begin?)

Sex, as in intercourse, I have been having sex for about 8 years, and loving ever bit of it.

2. do you regret losing your virginity when you did? why or why not? (if you're still a virgin, are you planning on waiting for marriage? why or why not?)

I don't regret when, but I do regret with who. I was already 20 and ready, but he sucked in bed, thank god soon after we broke up and I got someone new.

3. have you ever been in love? if so, how many times?

Yes, 2 times.

4. are you able to have sex with someone that you were not 'in love' with?

I was, but I really couldn't do that now. I love Peter way too much to do something like that.

5. if you are in a monogamous relationship/marriage, has it been difficult to stay faithful? why or why not?

I am married, we have been together for 8 years, we have a 5 year old daughter, I am 28, he is 24, and although there were problems way back in the beginning, there haven't been for years.

6. is infidelity ever justified? why or why not?

I don't think so, but then again I have never done it, so I couldn't say for sure.

7. if you are (or were to be) married and found that your spouse cheated on you, what would your immediate reaction be toward him/her?

Got me, (shivers up the spine) umm, something like get the fuck out, you ..... But that would be only if I caught him in the act, or had a feeling something was up, and it was comfermed, I would never take someone elses word for it.

8. if you ever cheated on your spouse, would you tell him/her? why or why not?

Yes, I think I would tell him. A few years ago when we were not so happy, a guy friend was there for me, and he kind of asked me to be with him and leave Peter. I did tell Peter then, and we did work out our problems, and I did stop talking to that friend, because it made Peter uncomfortable.
