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i am retiring this blog - 2005-06-04
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A appy ending - 2005-03-18
I am tired of tired - 2005-03-01

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acorna by anne mccaffrey and margaret ball
acorna's quest by anne mccaffrey and margaret ball
acorna's people by anne mccaffrey and elizabeth ann scarborough
the lonesome gods by louis l'amour

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I am tired of tired
written @ 3:10 a.m. on 2005-03-01

I don't sleep anymore. Just in case you were wondering. I think the last time I slept from the time I went to bed until after 6 am was at least 2 weeks ago.
Are you wondering why? Well since I am here I am going to explain. I am in pain. The beby is in some wierd position, so that it is always hurting me. And if that isn't the case then this toothache I have had forever is hurting me. Either way I am lucky to get 5 hours of sleep a day.
So I have become very moody, partly from lack of sleep and partly from pregnancy.
So do you want to here the rest of the news?
I am in labor. Yup. You would think I would be at the hospital, but no. Want to know why?
I was at the hospital. They sent me home.
I went into labor Wednesday night. I went to the hospital after my contractions got to be 3 minutes apart for 1 hour. After an hour there, they gave me a shot of something and put me in an ambulance, which took me to the next hospital to deliver. I have now been in labor ever since.
It is something called dysfunctional labor, and I am really too tired to get into what it is and the technical name, but it is not too common and took until Friday at the hospital for the doctors to finally decide that was what was going on and to finally send me home.
Do you know what being in labor for almost a week can do to a person?
I don't know if when it comes time to finally have this baby I will have enough energy to push it out. This it seems is what typically happens if the doctor allows you to stay this way too long, which usually ends in an assisted delivery or a section, neither of which I want.
Today, but later today, during daylight hours I am having a Biophysical Profile done on me and the baby. It is a long and very indepth ultrasound. This is supposed to help my doctor decide what to do about "my case".
So unless they find something drastically wrong with me today, I am not supposed to go back to the hospital unless
1. my water breaks
2. contractions that are 3 minutes apart for at least 3 hours
3. I need to push
Just wonderful concidering the hospital is an hours drive away.
Like Peter keeps saying, we feel ripped off. We put in the 3 days at the hospital, walked miles, slept not at all, I did the pain..plus all the other stuff we had to go through and at the end of it we drove home with an empty car seat in the back. Oh yeah.. and this still being in labor thing sucks too.
