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i am retiring this blog - 2005-06-04
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Home again - 2005-04-01
A appy ending - 2005-03-18
I am tired of tired - 2005-03-01

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books I couldn't put down
amazonia by james rollins
acorna by anne mccaffrey and margaret ball
acorna's quest by anne mccaffrey and margaret ball
acorna's people by anne mccaffrey and elizabeth ann scarborough
the lonesome gods by louis l'amour

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I really am not a fan of change
written @ 12:43 p.m. on 2004-04-24

So how have things been going with me?

Lets see:

In the last 2 weeks my life has gone from one extreme to the other. I will give the example of last week:

Wednesday: Find out that Marion has broken a large amount of the exchange rules and has been reported to Rita, who has in turn reported her to Arleen, who in turn has reported her her to Mickey(head of the program for Canada).

Thursday: We are informed that Marion's student visa is being revoked and she has to go back home.

Friday: Find out Marion has to be out of Canada by Wednesday, so lift her grounding so she can have some fun before she goes.

Sunday: Peter and Sydney leave to go spend the week in the city at his parents while he is doing his BOP course in Nisku. Also finds out that Marions parents refuse to pay for her tickets home and so the program is going to be doing it. Only problem is I have no way to get her to the city to catch a plane out if here with Peter gone.

Monday: Rita leaves for a weeks holiday in Victoria with the kids and so I am taking care of the pets. Go to work for a regular day but realize I have been feeling off for a while. So do my bimonthly pregnacy test( for those of us without periods, this just becomes habit, and to do it monthly would cost to much).

Anyways, pregnacy test is positive. WTF is going on here? Do another to make sure, because this is not supposed to be possible, and the damn thing says positive again.

Spend the rest of work day in tears, from the shock.

Tuesday: Go to the doctors to have results confirmed. They are confirmed. Try to figure out what to tell Peter, I mean we wanted this, but about 3 or 4 years ago.

Find out all of Marions flight information, and she will be leaving Thursday morning by bus.

Get call after I am in bed saying Marion's flight was changed and she has to be in the city by 10 the next morning. Spend half of the night finding a way to get her there because there is no bus and packing.

Wednesday: With many tears say goodbye to Marion. Tell Peter on the phone about what has happened the last few days. Also tell him that he is getting fixed. I think this was too much for him all at once. He doesn't sound happy.

Thursday: Try to make my appointment for ultrasound, I don't know why I shoud have to do this, it is the doctors job. They will not do one until May 12th because if I am only a few weeks they will not see anything and it would be a waste of time. I think they should do it and if they can see something then I would know how far along I am, if they can't then I know I am under 6 weeks, either way I get a time line to work with, but this is not up to me is it?

Wait for Peter to call and let me know what time he should be home. Peter calls to say that the truck is not ready yet, will come home in the morning.

Friday: Really needing Peter here, but he calls to say truck is still not ready, but all papers are signed and we are the proud owners of a 2004 Silverado. Great, I am lonely, hormonal, and now broke, just great.

Peter finally does get home with bug and the truck. It is 10 at night, and he is in a bad mood.

See, weird week huh?

Not only that, but I have been spotting in and off, so the doctor has told me I am not allowed to do anything. I have paint for the kitchen that I am dieing to put up, but I am not allowed. Pretty much all I am allowed to do is sit, lay, eat, breath, and as little walking as necessary. So I am bored, very, very bored.

I guess since I have nothing I am allowed to do, I may as well start updating here again, which is the reason I am here right now.

Right now though I have to pee, I have doing that a lot lately so time to stop this.
